



Design Studio(DS)

Design Studio
The Management Console is running, but Design Studio was not able to acquire a license. The license server could not connect to its database. Contact your administrator for help.
Unsupported authentication scheme: Negotiate
"Design StudioがManagement Console と以下の理由で通信できませんでした: Repository responded with an error. HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required [Server squid/2.7.STABLE8, Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2019 09:39:53 GMT, Content-Type: text/html, Content-Length: 1388, X-Squid-Error. ERR_CACHE ACCESS_DENIED 0, Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="Squid proxy-caching web server', X-Cache: MISS from WIN-80RMFPU2S5H, X-Cache-Lookup: NONE from WIN-80RMFPU2S5H:3128, Via: 1.0 WIN-80RMFPU2S5H:3128 (squid/2.7.STABLE8), Connection: close] org.apache.http.conn.BasicManagedEntity@81e6848"
Exception message:
Duplicated mnemonics in the menuItem: <path to a robot, type or snippet>
Stack trace:
com.kapowtech.lang.ApplicationError: Duplicated mnemonics in the menuItem: 14 BHI CC - C:\...\BHI C&C\Input.type
at kapow.util.gui.GUIUtil.assignMnemonicsToMenuItem(GUIUtil.java:1117)
Design Studio was unable to communicate with the Management Console for the following reason: Unauthorized
Unsupported authentication scheme: Negotiate
The step has loaded 〇〇 pages into one of the windows and was about to loadone more.
Error from the Load Page action. Error loading resource: https://<Host Name>/<Path Name>/, Error return code , info: SSL handshake error
Error from the Load Page action. Error loading resource: https://<Host Name>/<Path Name>/, Error return code , info: SSL handshake error
セルのコンテンツ設定アクションによるエラーが発生しました。指定された操作を実行できませんでした。スプレッドシートにサポートされていない機能(サポートされていない関数またはエクスプレッション構文など) が含まれている可能性があります。 サポートされる機能の詳細については、ドキュメントを参照してください。 スプレッドシートにより以下のエラーが報告されました:
The step named "Device Automation" has not been configured correctly: The type 'Short Text' of variable sample .shorttext is not compatible with a Device Automation Workflow type.
The Automation Device Mapping name must start with a letter or an underscore, must contain only letters, digits and underscores, and must not be ‘false’ or ‘true’
component must be showing on the screen to determine its location
The function SUBTOTAL - with 'exclude hidden values' option is not supported.
Unexpected arg eval type (org.apache poi.ss.formula LazyRefEval)
Parse error near char 0 ‘①’ ln specified formula ‘①test!A1’. Expected cell ref or constant literal
Error From the XXX action. Could not load from the URL "XXXX" , Input length = 1
XXXアクションによるエラーが発生しました。URL "XXXX" からロードできませんでした。 Input length = 1
Unknown character property name {r} near index 6
『Error from the Set Current Window action. There is no window named “表示”.』
Invalid CellReference: B2:12
Master cell of a shared formula with sid=0 was not found
Internal error during robot execution.
JavaScriptでエラーが発生しました:TypeError: 'OUTPUT' is undefined.

クリックアクションによるエラーが発生しました。The following alert message was generated by JavaScript:
To ignore alert messages, select the "Ignore Alert Messages" option. You can also select a variable that the ignored alert messages should be stored in, in the "Store Ignored Alert Messages Here" option.


Failed to connect to remote computer: 'ERRCONNECT_XXXX_XXXXX'.

MCへアップロード時 Unable to upload to Default project on Management Console. The folder item '{ロボット名}' was not found.
○○をアップロードすることはできません。同じ名前の{タイプ / スニペット}がすでに△△というフォルダの中に Management Console の同じプロジェクト上に存在します。
Unable to find the remote to project 'プロジェクト名'​​
There are no project to upload to.
スケジュール設定時 ロボット ジョブでは、入力を設定する必要があります。


Management Console (MC)/ RoboServer(RS)


When user management is enabled -mcUrl must be specified
When user management is disabled -mcUrl may not be specified.
Failed to connect to the Wrapper at port 32,000
Establishing SSL connection without server’s identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL …
The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized
Unable to register to the {クラスタ名} cluster: Unexpected Error: No cluster found for name '{クラスタ名}'.. Retrying...
mcUrl must be used to register the RoboServer when running RoboServer as standalone.
ERROR kapow.robot.rqlserver.RoboServer - RoboServer failed to start. null
ERROR kapow.robot.rqlserver.RoboServer - Unable to register to the test cluster: . Retrying...
Login retry limit reached. Please wait x minutes and try again..
Unable to register to the {クラスタ名} cluster: You do not have permission to add RoboServers
Unable to register to the {クラスタ名} cluster: Repository responded with an error: HTTP/1.1 404

RoboServer started.
Unable to register to the <clusterName> cluster: Connection timed out: connect. Retrying...

This RoboServer is being activate by multiple Management Consoles. The current activator (Host, ip, MC-ID):…

Unable to register to the {クラスター名} cluster: invalid credentials.

When user management is enabled -mcUrl must be specified.

Your browser does not support JavaScript!
MC操作時 OAuthアプリケーションを表示する権限がありません

Deactivating RoboServer. The server has not been activated for more than 24 hours.
RoboServer has not been activated. The RoboServer has been assigned 0 KCU. You must assign KCU to the RoboServer in Management Console before it can start any robots.
There are no available slots on cluster 'クラスタ名'
arguments to dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array() were incorrect, assertion "n_elements <= DBUS_MAXIMUM_ARRAY_LENGTH / _dbus_type_get_alignment (element_type)" failed in file n:\build\win32libs-sources\dbus-src-1.4.16-20110302\work\dbus-1.4.16\dbus\dbus-message.c line 2665. 2019-12-02 12:57:04,020 INFO webkit - This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
{デバイス名}を使用して取得したオートメーション デバイスに接続できませんでした:
Could not connect to Device Automation Service. Version conflict.

org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient - Authorization challenge processed、org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient - Authentication failed



com.kapowtech.scheduler.server.entity.MCUser.triggerRelation ---- Debugging information ---- message :
No such field com.kapowtech.scheduler.server.entity.MCUser.triggerRelation field :
triggerRelation class :
com.kapowtech.scheduler.server.entity.MCUser required-type :
com.kapowtech.scheduler.server.entity.MCUser converter-type :
com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter xpath :
/globalConfiguration/users/user/triggerRelation class[1] :
java.util.Vector converter-type[1] :
com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter class[2] :
com.kapowtech.scheduler.server.export.GlobalData version : 1.4.10 -------------------------------

Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.7.0.v20170811-d680af5): ...


Device Automation Service(DAS) 

This machine has several external ip-addresses, please define ‘hostName’.(DAS ログファイル内)
 Module automationnative not found.(DAS ログファイル内)
Java access bridge failed to initialize(DAS ログファイル内)
Syntax error: Unexpected Token(DAS ログファイル内)
Error pinging Management Console: connect ERRCONREFUSED(DAS ログファイル内)
Server Error: listen EADDRINUSE(DAS ログファイル内)


Device Automation/Desktop Automation(DA) 


Finder Error Cannot create a unique finder for the selected element.(DSエラーダイアログ)
“Internal Error” when clicking Edit in Design Studio (stack error after clicking “Details” shows: Could not start the local Automation Service […]Caused by: com.kapowtech.hub.HubException: error executing command: The specified module could not be found
Error executing command; Invalid or unexpected token,
Error executing command; URI malformed.
Error executing command; Cannot read property 'split' of null.
Error executing command: missing) after argument list.
{デバイスマッピング名} を使用して取得したオートメーション デバイスに接続できませんでした。 Could not connect to Desktop{Device} Automation Service. xxxxxxxx
DeviceIssueがステップ:"Move Mouse"で発生しました。
Desktop Automation Service failed during execution of the reqest. The component to MoveMouse to cannot be found in the application.

〇〇を使用して取得したオートメーションデバイスに接続できませんでした:Error calling Desktop Automation Service: Caught exception.Error:read ECONNRESET at TLSWrap.onread(net.js:622:25)

{デバイス名} を使用して取得したオートメーション デバイスに接続できませんでした:
Could not connnect to Desktop Automation Service. Desktop Automation Service at {DA端末IPアドレスorホスト名}:{コマンドポート} is configured for version {DASバージョン} and cannot provide requested version {DS/RSバージョン}.

FinderIssue がステップ:{DA内ステップ名}で発生しました。 Finder must not find more than one application.


実行ロボット 編(エラーログ)

Robot Messages

Error from the Write File action. Access to file system restricted, cannot write file C:\xxx\hoge.txt. To allow file system access, check the “Allow File System and Command Line Access” property in the RoboServer Settings application.
Error from the Execute Command Line action. Execution of sub-process not allowed, cannot run cmd.exe. To allow sub-process execution, check the “Allow File System and Command Line Access” property in the RoboServer Settings application.
No available Automation Device using XXXX: Device matching requirements were busy.
No available Automation Device using XXXX. There is no device matching requirements
No available Automation Device using XXXX: The Management Console ‘Management Console’ is no longer in the list of available Management Consoles
Error from the Device Automation action. Exception: DeviceIssue. Failed to connect. Could not connect to Device Automation Service. Unable to connect to Remote Device Automation Service. Location: “Connect XXXX”

{デバイスマッピング名} を使用するオートメーション デバイスを利用できません:
サーバー応答 HTTP/1.1 401
No available Automation Device using {デバイスマッピング名}:
server responded HTTP/1.1 401

Desktop Automation アクションによるエラーが発生しました。
Exception: DeviceIssue. Desktop Automation Service failed during execution of the request. Target path not found. Location: "Read File from {デバイスマッピング名}"

{ステップ名} アクションによるエラーが発生しました。This required attribute has not been set: {変数名}.
Error executing command:Cannot read property 'addGuard' of undefined.