- ロボットのAutomation Device管理
- Device Automationの式エディタ
- 再利用可能なファインダ
- Nine-Gridイメージファインダとイメージファインダの動的テキストの抽出
- フリーズツリーステップ
- パスワードストアでのプロジェクトベースの認証
Problems resolved in
1178172 Bug: メモリ破損によるDASの安定性問題の解消
1173209 Bug: SAP操作のパフォーマンス(ツリー生成時の処理)問題解消
Problems resolved in
ID Title
COD-8282 Bug: Device Automation - Excel driver does not extract cells when using Excel 2010
COD-8264 Bug: Performance issue using patterns to add robots to schedules
COD-8195 Bug: High Availability issues
COD-8168 Bug: Device Automation - Missing text nodes in some Java apps
1125222 Bug: log4j - Make sure that there is only one appender per file
1121855 Bug: WebKit: url replacement of lowercase to uppercase hex value to fix site specific issue
1122457 Bug: WebKit: KURL to QURL parsing issue
4455762 Bug: SSO robot cannot access the Facebook site and returns 401 error
1118386 Documentation: Vista removed as supported platform for Device Automation
1077709 Documentation: Quartz SQL scripts missing in the documentation folder
1121445 Documentation: Connection to MS SQL with integrated authentication
Problems resolved in
ID Title
COD-8053 Bug: NPE(Null Pointer Exception) due to race condition running multiple versions of the same robot
FR-8180 Bug: Kapplet link does not work in WebSphere
1096989 Bug: AFDS(Active Directory Federation Services) authentication timeout in Kapow 10.2
1096960 Bug: XML datamapper cannot save new type if Create backup files is enabled
Problems resolved in
ID Title
COD-7872 Bug: JS engine generates stack overflow parsing XML document
COD-7792 Bug: opening Start menu on Windows 10 disconnects DS client and the entire tree for the Desktop and Taskbar disappears
FR-7369 Feature: Upgrade password store certificates
FR-8040 Bug: If Design Studio crashes with an out of memory error the robot files are sometimes deleted
FR-8082 Bug: Too restrictive usernames and groups
FR-7858 Feature: Support CP114 code page when using TN5250 terminal
FR-7837 Feature: Support CP939 (japanese) code page when using TN5250 terminal
1057580 Bug: Dynamic select option can't choose by value attribute and text
1076424 Bug: Unable to register roboserver with MC if username or password contains special characters}
1077074 Bug: QUrl incorrectly converted to KURL in case url contains fragment
1075467 Bug: "Socked closed" error message occurs when trying to download or upload robots from DS
Problems resolved in
ID Title
COD7750 Bug: Secure handling of MC password in DS
966334 Bug: Select option fails if <value> tag is used for selection
966495 Bug: Design studio hangs when user connect with nonexistent user
Problems resolved in
ID Title
FR-7493 Management Console allows user to Start robot on a Cluster that his project is not a member of
961013 Bug: CTRL-X with several selected steps in device automation editor cause crash
959855 Bug: Cannot login to a KTA form with windows authentication